Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Fabletics Review

Sweet Photo Skills of Jzim
Fabletics is a recently launched workout clothing line from JustFab. I was so psyched about this newly launched company, because I'm ALL about the gym. I mean workout fanatic. Total lie; I was actually excited to get some new clothes to go grocery shopping in. I'll workout once the Biggest Loser accepts me as a future contestant.

I ordered the "Forgive" outfit, which included the "Nadi Legging" and the "Versital Tee." I chose the cheery colors of black and gray to match my positive disposition on life. I had a promo and did not pay the retail price. These outfits are a bit pricy. If your well off, never mind that last statement. Onto the review:

Versital Tee- I am so not the type of girl to wear a tee-shirt, let alone a short sleeve, v-neck. It's just not my style...until I met the Versital Tee. The fabric alone was incredible. Generously sized, so you can order a size down and the comfort is out of this world.

Nadi Legging- What girl hasn't been on the search for the perfect legging? When looking for a legging to begin with, you have to assess all possible angles and traits of the legging itself and your body. What fun! You get to determine if your ass does in fact look that bad or if you look like you have more cellulite than a hippo. Some girls don't own mirrors and wear leggings without hesitation. I, well I own a mirror and have shame. Plenty of shame. These leggings are the top of the line. The material, design, comfort, stretch and overall quality is phenomenal. I need these in every possible color.

Overall: After receiving this outfit, I ran upstairs to shower before slipping into such greatness. I wore the outfit for 2 days straight and then threw it in the wash so I could wear it again the next day. Not only did I look stunning, well let's be honest, that's not hard to achieve but I was comfortable. With this outfit, I felt like I could work out, but alas...I totally did not. I did, however, catch up on "Breaking Bad."

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