something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote,
or a prankish act: He tells very funny
jokes. She played a joke
on him.
something that is amusing or ridiculous, especially
because of being
ludicrously inadequate or a sham; a thing, situation, or person
laughed at rather than taken seriously; farce: Their pretense of generosity
is a joke. An officer with no
ability to command is a joke.
3. a matter that
need not be taken very seriously; trifling matter: The loss was no joke.
sat·ire [sat-ahyuhr] noun
1. the use of irony,
sarcasm, ridicule,
or the like, in exposing, denouncing, or
deriding vice,
folly, etc.
par·o·dy [par-uh-dee]
1. a humorous or satirical imitation of a serious
piece of literature or writing
hy·per·bo·le [hahy-pur-buh-lee]
1. obvious and intentional exaggeration.
2. an extravagant statement or figure
of speech not intended to be taken
literally, as “to wait an eternity.”
fun·ny /ˈfʌni/ [fuhn-ee]
adjective, fun·ni·er, fun·ni·est, noun,
plural fun·nies.
1. providing fun;
causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical: a funny remark; a funny person.
2. attempting
to amuse; facetious:
Did you really
mean that or were you just being funny?
I simply cannot make this any more clear. From here on out, if you're offended...I cannot save you.
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