Sweet Photo Skills of Jzim
It's Christmas time and people are full of love, cheer and the holiday spirit...Oh wait...wrong blog. People are full of hate, stupidity and greed...People are on a rampage this month, attacking Pop Sugar for this box. Why? Well, why not? Onto the review:
[Edit 12/13/13]: The above statement of "People are full of hate, stupidity and greed" doesn't solely apply to you, the reader. It is a joke, perhaps not that funny to some, but a joke nonetheless. I assure you that you are smart, lovely and everything else under the rainbow. Love, Jamie.
For each product you will see my own opinion and underneath that you will see "Reasons to Bitch." Reasons to Bitch is all inspired and generated from what others are bitching about on message boards.
Lulu Frost for Pop Sugar Bracelet: This is such a gorgeous, vintage, modern bracelet. The colors are so complimentary to each other and it's exceptionally versatile. I can't imagine an outfit that this wouldn't go great with. The only downside is that it says "Lulufrost for Pop Sugar" on the opposite side of the bauble. Womp. Overall, adorable bracelet.
Reasons to Bitch
- "Er, $110 for this bracelet...I would never pay that."
- "It doesn't fit me and I could and would neverrrr buy a bracelet extender."
Modelco Fibre Lashxtend Black Mascara: Another black mascara...innovative? Exciting? No, but a must-have...yes. Perhaps not at this moment, but I wouldn't be who I am without mascara. I don't even look the same without mascara. I think the mirror on the tube is fun, but I'm not blown away.
Reasons to Bitch
- "I am drowning in mascara, and I don't realize that I should actually replace my mascara every 6 months to avoid eye infections"
- "I got this from another sub already and I HATED it."
MIXT Studio Holiday Gifting Set: Love this. This is great; especially if you plan on giving someone a half-assed, not so awesome gift. Presentation is half the battle. It's like you're giving someone hope...'Maybe this year she got me something great!' No...no, I did not. I very much enjoy the stylish, hipster feel of this paper. Well played, MIXT.
Reasons to Bitch
- "I gifted a box with wrapping paper in it?" Omg, I'm so embarrassed."
- "Who considers wrapping paper a must-have? Plus, I don't celebrate Christmas."
Govino Go Anywhere Flutes: How many times have I gone to a picnic and thought, "Yeah, I'd like some wine with this deli hoagie...but I can't drink it out of the bottle, anymore. Never. Govino's marketing strategy of "go anywhere and drink" doesn't really need any help...especially with plastic champagne flutes. This will make the perfect gift...and I already know how I'm wrapping it.
Reasons to Bitch
- "These 'glasses' aren't big enough for the amount of wine I drink."
- "Govino states that these look like crystal, but umm...have they ever seen crystal?
CC Made Caramel Corn: Incredible. Every year I have to buy one of those embarrassingly large popcorn tins, so this was perfect, albeit a little small. This caramel corn, surely didn't disappoint.
Reasons to Bitch
- "I wear adult braces and my orthodontist is going to be M.A.D.
- "It's party season and I'm already going to be indulging in enough sweets.
NCLA Peppermint Lane Nail Wraps: How fun! I mean, these won't match anything, unless you're wearing an ugly Christmas sweater, but I do like these. Nail wraps are a genius idea and they last forever. I'll probably wear these in the spring time...because that is just how I roll.
[Edit: 12/30/13] Oh no, no, no...these are an awful, horrible, pathetic attempt at a nail wrap. The 'wrap' is too thick and if you have short nails, it's a fail. You simply cannot fold it over and file the wrap to size. Considering my NYE party tomorrow...these wraps are a bust.
Reasons to Bitch
- "These are for a pre-teen and I would never even considering putting these on my toes."
- "Who does their own nails? That's barbaric...I go to the salon."
Ghirardelli Squares Chocolate: I have an unhealthy love with all things candy. The peppermint bark is my all-time favorite and I couldn't be happier with this product. It may not be "high-end" chocolate, like many snactches on message boards are whining about...but I bet you already finished the bag...both bags.
Reasons to Bitch
- "Ghirardelli is poor people chocolate and I'd never let this melt in my mouth."
- "Two bags of delicious candy? Who could ever eat that much?" Ever? Really? How so?"
Overall, I was in love with this box. It had my name written all over it. But, according to the message boards...I must like cheap trash, that I can get at CVS. Lastly, whoever said "Girls love chocolate"...never met these girls.
Rating: A-